Comentarios para Palencia Diferente Encuentra todo lo que te interesa de Palencia Sat, 10 Feb 2018 23:21:26 +0000 hourly 1 Comentario en Posible intento de estafa en la red social Linkedin por Silvia /posible-intento-de-estafa-en-la-red-social-linkedin/#comment-6785 Sat, 10 Feb 2018 23:21:26 +0000 /?p=570#comment-6785 Yo quiero advertirles sobre una prestamista francesa Maria Tavernese es una estafadora e intenta que tu le pongas anuncios y que recibas el dinero que pude a los que le solicitan crédito ha toda esta gente habría que verificar bien sus perfiles

Comentario en Gastronomía Palentina, la mejor materia prima por Valdavies /gastronomia-palentina-la-mejor-materia-prima/#comment-6644 Mon, 29 Jan 2018 20:17:48 +0000 /?p=1524#comment-6644 Totalmente de acuerdo Elena. En Saldaña, al lado de Santervás hay ganas de hacerlo bien pero no terminan de dar con la tecla. Y eso que precisamente en esa zona el tipo de turismo lo demanda a gritos. Creo que se trata de un problema de falta de formación y evolución de los hosteleros mezclados con una resignación innata y comodidad cerril a partes iguales.

Comentario en Posible intento de estafa en la red social Linkedin por OMAR SANTOS /posible-intento-de-estafa-en-la-red-social-linkedin/#comment-6583 Thu, 25 Jan 2018 15:07:26 +0000 /?p=570#comment-6583 HOLA UN CASO, SERA VERDAD ????:

Carter Allen Bank LTDA

Saludos desde el Carter Allen Bank Limited.

Gracias por elegir Carter Allen Bank Limited ti. Nos complace informarles que nuestra plataforma de banca por Internet ahora es compatible con las transferencias de divisas a cualquier banco / beneficiarios en todo el mundo y se puede utilizar convenientemente este portal de dichas transacciones desde la comodidad de su hogar u oficina. es seguro, rápido y seguro.

Antes de recibir su respuesta, ya hemos sido notificados por la señora Elena Boris y su abogado que son ahora el beneficiario de la cantidad de 10,142,728.00 dólares que pertenece a su último marido, este dinero ha estado con nosotros durante unos cuantos años y que son feliz que va a ser el nuevo propietario de esta cantidad. Sr / Sra Boris son dos personas maravillosas, que ellos han sabido desde hace mucho tiempo y lo que tiene que ver con ellos, hemos puesto en todos nuestros esfuerzos. Por favor, hacer un buen uso de este dinero cuando llegue a usted. El dinero estará transferencia a su cuenta bancaria como fuimos instruidos.

No seremos capaces de iniciar la transferencia sin su colaboración 100%, y también sus datos bancarios, que son que nos proporcione la información de su cuenta bancaria completa por lo que será capaz de ejecutar la transferencia. Además, una carta de autorización debe ser emitido, esto será hecho por el abogado de la señora Elena Boris de la [Din Cámaras y Asociados (Patria Din)]. Este certificado le hará la actual beneficiario de este dinero. No vamos a ser capaces de hacer la transferencia sin este certificado. El costo de la Carta de autorización es de USD 449 dólares. Llenar y enviar la información de su cuenta bancaria a continuación.

Rogamos que rellene los datos bancarios requeridos por debajo;

Su nombre de cuenta:
Número de cuenta:
Nombre del banco:
Cuenta bancaria:
Dirección del banco:
Número de teléfono:

Tras la recepción de sus datos bancarios, le enviaremos información sobre cómo desea que se envíe a los 449 dólares por la Carta de autorización, después del pago, que se llevará a tan sólo 1 hora de transferir el dinero en su cuenta bancaria determinada. El Carter Allen Bank Ltd espera su respuesta pronto. Recuerde siempre que su satisfacción es siempre nuestra prioridad.

Con saludos,
Sir Jesse Wanderson
la cabeza del departamento de transferencia bancaria
Dirección: RJ SH 70, Khatoli, Rajasthan 325 009, India

Copyright © 2018. Carter Allen Bank Limited. Todos los derechos reservados.

Comentario en Esclusas del Canal de Castilla por Esclusas del Canal de Castilla - Transporte de Mochilas Camino de Santiago /esclusas-del-canal-de-castilla/#comment-6456 Sun, 14 Jan 2018 09:23:36 +0000 /?p=673#comment-6456 […] +info: […]

Comentario en Posible intento de estafa en la red social Linkedin por ANGEL IBARRA /posible-intento-de-estafa-en-la-red-social-linkedin/#comment-6277 Sat, 30 Dec 2017 00:28:54 +0000 /?p=570#comment-6277 Me llego esto hace unos dias:
Dear Angelito Ibarra, i would start by saying thanks for your response. How is your family doing? I hope okay. My proposal is very important to me so please I want you to take the content of this mail very seriously. All I want is an honest business transaction between us. First, I will start by introducing myself. My name is Robert Worton but my friends call me Bob: I am a citizen of United Kingdom. I am currently working with NatWest Bank Uk. I have been working here for 17 years now, and I have a good working record with my bank.

I am also the personal accountant to Engineer Paul Ibarra, a foreign contractor who has an investment account with my bank with a huge sum of money in it. My late client was a chemical consultant contractor with Royal Dutch until his death in a fatal car accident while at France on sabbatical with his entire family. The accident unfortunately took the lives of the family members comprising of himself, his wife and two kids in the summer of 2007 may their soul rest in perfect peace. He banked with us here at NatWest Bank, UK and had a very huge sum of money in his account which has still yet not been claimed by anybody as there was no living will in place when he died. The amount of money involved here is about 7,249,200 (Seven million, two hundred and forty-nine thousand, two hundred Pounds.) in account with indefinite interest. Since the death of my client; my bank and I have made several inquiries to his embassy to locate any of his extended family members or relatives but this has proven unsuccessful. I came to know about you in my search for a person who shares the same last name as my late client.

I employed the services of LinkedIn search solely for this purpose as I feel it would not have been the last wishes of my late client for his whole life work to be transferred to a government (Es cheat) he had always complained of their unfavorable public monetary policies, taxes and so on while he was alive. My bank has issued me several notices to provide the next of kin or the account risk been es cheat within the next 10 officials working days. The last notice for claim came to my desk last week. I am contacting you to assist me in repatriating the funds left behind before they are declared un served by my bank. I am seeking your consent to present you as the next of kin of my late client since you share and bear the same last name. As such, the proceeds of the account can be paid to you as soon as you contact my bank and apply for the funds to be released to you as the next of kin. If we can be of one accord, I see no reason why we would not succeed. We both must act swiftly on this matter in other to beat the deadline es cheat date. Please get back to me immediately for us to proceed.

I propose that upon successful completion of this deal, we will split the proceeds 50:50 ratios. I am after the success of this transaction with your full co-operation. All I require is your honesty and full co-operation. I guarantee you that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you and me from breaching UK laws. I want to also inform you that I am a very religious person and I cannot tell a lie because of my strong believe and i expect same from you. I will attach my international Passport ID in my next mail for authenticity so we have equal ground to trust each other. If you are interested in my proposal I will send you more information directing, you on further procedure on how we can claim the money in the account successfully. If this proposal is al right by you then kindly get back to me. The content of this mail should be treated with utmost confidentiality and a quick response from you will be highly appreciated. However, if you are not interested in this proposal, please accept my apologies for sending you the message and kindly delete message, I promised that you will never hear from me. I anticipate your co-operation.

Thanks for your time and do have a great day.

Best regards,
Bob Worton.


am very sorry for responding late to your mail, I want to stress again that this transaction is very legitimate and there is no risk involved as I am the personal accountant to Late Engineer (Paul Ibarra) anything I say concerning this will be followed by the bank Executives. However, before we can proceed further, I want you to assure me that you will be honest during the transaction and as soon as the funds are transferred to you we can meet in person and share money peacefully. You should understand that this transaction can be successful if we work together and as soon as I give you all legal procedure you will receive the funds from my bank, so I need your assurance before we shall proceed.

I am totally very serious about this arrangement process as such I would want you to take this serious too. My personal instinct directed me to contact you and I just hope it was not a wrong thing to do I shall direct you on the process of the claim; we shall start by sending a formal application to this effect. I will send you the text for the claims and transfer application to this effect. Thereafter, the bank will request of you the relevant back up documents to your claim and application per the demand of our probate law for transfer of funds. Once you have provided the Bank with their demands, they would now be under legal obligation to transfer the funds to bank account provided by you. As part of the procedure of the claims, the documents that will be required from you must be acquired through legal procedures as the application of claim will be complimented with a legal award we shall have to seek from our law Court here. Be assured that the procedures to be adopted in effecting the transfer in your favor will be official and legal which will protect us from any breach of the law, we have the next 10 officials working days.

Note: High confidentiality is required always. Do not tell anyone about this because, it might be unsafe for both of us. It would be safer for us to communicate by email for now because my cell line and all other Staffs in my bank are tapped and monitored. I hope you see reason with my decision on us talking by mail for now. As soon as the money has been transferred to your account, I will look for a country of our choice where we can see in person and subsequently share the funds in the ratio as discussed earlier.

Above all, I personally count on God to facilitate our plan and understanding, to produce not just success but also peaceful sharing of the funds at the end of the day and a wealthy family business relationship between us. I also pray for establishment of cordial relationship between us, God being our helper. As soon as I hear from you and receive your assurance, I will send you the Text of Application for you to contact my bank for the release of the funds in the account of (Paul Ibarra) to your account as his next of Kin (Dear Angelito Ibarra). I would advice that you follow all the steps and procedures which I will give so that we can get to the end of this transaction quickly. I have attached a copy of my international passport for Authenticity and trust and i would advise you do the same so we could proceed.
I await your response.

Best regards


I received your email and the content well noted.Kindly provide a copy of your passport before we proceed.

Keep me posted as soon as possible we dont have much time
